Monday, June 10, 2013

Some essential points about PRISM

Some essential points about PRISM 

Leaders of the intelligence committees in Congress defended the program Sunday.

  • "These programs are within the law," Feinstein, D-California, told ABC's "This Week." And Rep. Mike Rogers, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told ABC, "The inflammatory nature of the comments does not fit with what Dianne and I know this program really does."
  • "The instances where this has produced good -- has disrupted plots, prevented terrorist attacks -- is all classified," said Rogers, R-Michigan. "That's what's so hard about this."

James Clapper, director of the Office of National Intelligence says programs were authorized by Congress

  • "In a rush to publish, media outlets have not given the full context -- including the extent to which these programs are overseen by all three branches of government," Clapper said. Clapper's office declassified some details of the programs, which it said were "conducted under authorities widely known and discussed, and fully debated and authorized by Congress."
  • Phone-call data isn't looked at unless investigators sense a tie to terrorism, and only then on the authority of a judge. Officials say analysts are forbidden from collecting the Internet activity of American citizens or residents, even when they travel overseas. 
  • Clapper's office said PRISM was created in 2008, targets "foreign targets located outside the United States" and gets reviewed by the administration, Congress and judges. And Rogers told reporters Sunday that "there is not a target on Americans." "There has to be a non-U.S. person believed to be on foreign soil. That is a huge difference than what is being portrayed in the media," said Rogers, R-Michigan.

photo credit: jef safi \ 'Parker Mojo Flying via photopin cc

Monday, June 3, 2013

Look how far our nation has come.

I don't have any wonderful anecdotes to share, nor do I have a particular family in mind for why I am blogging. I know so many loving LGBT families, it would be hard to choose. However, I wanted to lend my support to the 8th annual "It's Blogging for LGBT Families Day." 

I luckily grew up knowing and loving people from all walks of life. As a child, I didn't learn to put labels on people, or look for differences in them.  My parents sponsored Allied officers from other countries including Japan and Cambodia; so we were able to learn so much about other cultures. My mom's twin brother was gay and in a long term relationship from as early as I can remember, so I never learned anything other than we all love who we love. Perhaps that is why unorthodox families were not a big deal to me. I didn't realize until I was out on my own how different the world viewed things.  

I have three daughters who have grown up in a whole different world. This world is made up of young, vocal, tolerant children. That's fantastic. Yes, I know there is still way too much hatred and prejudice around us, but we really have come so far in a relatively short time.  It's hard to believe it was only in 1973 that the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from their list of mental illnesses.  

I found a wonderful timeline of the gay rights movement.  I look forward to seeing how far we'll come as a nation in the next thirty years.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day History

I decided last night as I was laying in bed that today I was going to achieve some new goals for myself. I'm making my own New Year's resolution. For those of you that know me, it's shouldn't be too surprising that I'm doing this five months late. I didn't want to wait till after my anniversary or start on Monday or wait for a holiday, etc.

Ironically, today is a holiday. In fact, this day might have more holiday traditions than any other day. So, I thought I'd do a little research. 

The first of May was originally celebrated by pagans throughout Europe as the beginning of summer. A maypole was often used to celebrate.
Ribbons were tied at the top; young people would dance around the maypole and as the ribbons intertwined, couples would be formed. Often these couples paired off for the night to celebrate the day of fertility.
I remember dancing around the maypole in our schoolyard when I was a kid...but we didn't know what we were reenacting.

Beltane or Beltain, is the Gaelic May Day festival. It is most commonly held at midnight, April 30, halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. It is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals along with Samhain, Imbolc and Lughnasadh. Rituals vary, but most include the symbolic use of fire.

In 1644 the British Parliament banned the celebration as immoral, but it was largely ignored. In an attempt to assimilate the festivities, the Church canonized Saint Walpurga on May 1st and she became associated with May Day as well, known as Walpurga's Night.

May 1 is a national holiday in more than 80 countries and celebrated unofficially in many other countries as International Workers' Day in commemoration of the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago where workers first fought for 8 hour work days. The day is full of demonstrations and often features elaborate parades. 

President Grover Cleveland feared that commemorating Labor Day on May 1st could lead to more riots, so he moved Labor Day to September 1st. May 1st then became Loyalty Day in the US. It is a special day for the reaffirmation of loyalty to the United States and for the recognition of the heritage of American freedom. 

Lastly, Hawaii celebrates the day as Lei Day.

photo credit: Pete Ashton via photopin cc
photo credit: Richard Milnes via photopin cc

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Arthur Darvill in Once on Broadway

I think my daughter's fondest wishes have come true. Doctor Who and Broadway collide.

Darren Criss Listen Up... Summer Tour '13

I had to post this just for my daughter Allison and my daughter from another mother, Becca! Darren Criss is going on tour and making a new album. I need to hide the credit cards. :)

Theo Katzman will be opening on some dates of the tour and the schedule includes a free show in Ann Arbor, Mich., where he attended the University of Michigan, on June 13.

The LISTEN UP tour will visit both the United States and Canada, and Darren will be previewing new material from a new album which is reportedly being released on Columbia Records.

Fan pre-sale tickets for the tour go on sale April 25 at 10:00 AM at, with general tickets on sale April 27 at 10:00 AM.

LISTEN UP Tour Dates
May 29 - San Francisco - The Fillmore
May 30 - Los Angeles - House of Blues
May 31 - Anaheim, Calif. - House of Blues
June 3 - Dallas - House of Blues
June 4 - Houston - House of Blues
June 6 - Nashville, Tenn. - The Cannery Ballroom
June 7 - Indianapolis - Deluxe at Old National Centre
June 8 - Chicago - House of Blues 
June 10 - Minneapolis - Varsity Theater
June 12 - Toronto - Phoenix Concert Theatre
June 13 - Ann Arbor, Mich. - Sonic Lunch/Michigan Theatre *FREE SHOW
June 14 - Cleveland - House of Blues
June 27 - New York - Roseland Ballroom
June 28 - Philadelphia - Theatre of Living Arts
June 29 - Boston - House of Blues
June 30 - Silver Spring, Md. - The Fillmore

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sequel to Pitch Perfect... Cups (Pitch Perfect's "When I'm Gone")

 I love this video...Also, Universal announced at its CinemaCon presentation that it plans to produce a Pitch Perfect sequel that would hit theaters sometime in 2015.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Burnout and the STD's of School Counseling


One of the best student counselors I have ever had the pleasure of working with quit his job today.  It is another sad day for our educational system.

The number one reason for burnout in this field is obvious...caseload.  It is not logistically possible to handle all the children they are given and having to choose between cases is stressful. It is logical, counselors are like teachers, when they have too many students, the amount of learning and personal contact goes down. The American School Counselor Association recommends the ratio of students to counselors not exceed 250:1, it's closer to 400 in most schools.

The economy has not only taken a toll on counselors by giving them more students to work with, the work for each student has increased. Colleges are harder to get into. Most students have to enroll in numerous colleges including applications for early admission and further work for some on waiting lists.  One on one guidance sessions as well as writing college recommendations, helping with financial aid applications, the list goes on and on.

On top of that, counselors energies are often too weakened by what Dr. Esther Hugo calls the STD's of counseling - scheduling, testing and discipline. Then you add in freshman acclimation issues.

This nation has got to pay our teachers and counselors better and have more of them.

If you have the time to read it, this is The College Board National Office for School Counselor Advocacy 2011 National survey of school counselors, called Counseling at a Crossroads and it's scarily accurate.

photo credit: Magnus. via photopin cc

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Into the Darkness International Trailer

I seriously cannot wait until this movie comes out. Benedict Cumberbatch is perfectly evil and I'm always up for watching Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto.  JJ Abrams is genius. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Paint - Disney princess medley (After Ever After) - Incredibly talented guy

If you haven't seen this guy in action yet, you need to. I can't help but wonder how long this took him to make and how many cuts and edits he made.

Absolutely incredible and funny to boot.

He also did Harry Potter in 99 seconds, Lord of the Rings in 99 seconds, and a Movie Villain melody.

Here is the link to his you tube page. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Yummy Chicken and Grape Recipe and very easy

Busy day but decided to try a new recipe. We didn't have enough lemon juice so we put both lemon and lime. It was so good.

Spiced Chicken and Grape Skewers on the Food Network

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Numb buns and rationalizing


This blogging stuff is rough on the butt. In fact, searching images for the perfect set of buttocks is exhausting and it's scary how many words there are for your posterior?  This image looked like one I could get behind though and it gave me inspiration to keep looking and not get behind on my new endeavor. Yes, I'm here all week.


I started going through old photos to find a unique place to write about for my 'travel' blog and ended up seeing so many cute pictures of the girls that I spent all night on the computer. The kids went to bed, the hubby went to bed and I thought...just a few more minutes. Then, I looked up and it was 3:30, so I figured might as well stay up, I have to get up in two hours. So, I get wrapped up in things...

Here are some of my other personal favorite excuses/justifications/rationalizations

  • I'm going to start my diet tomorrow, so I might as well enjoy tonight
  • Why make the bed, when I'm only going to get back in it
  • It's easier to clean it all at once
  • Five more minutes
  • I don't know where to start
  • I might fit back into that
  • I am trying to catch up for the long week
  • Let's make a plan for next weekend

photo credit: Brett Jordan via photopin cc 
photo credit: Tymtoi via photopin cc

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What was I thinking?

I know I tend to get really involved in things...but trying to start three blogs in two days was nuts. Adding on top of that the goal to lose 25 pounds by my 25th anniversary.

I guess you could say I'm a busy little bee.